LHS Dance team is a performance based dance team at Lincoln High School. We will be holding a dance clinic and auditions for interested students. Below is information on requirements, financial commitments and dance clinic and audition information. If you have any questions please email us at lincolnhsdance@gmail.com
Is dance experience required?
Dance experience is not required but highly encouraged. We will be learning skills in Military, Pom, Jazz, Hip hop and Technique.
What is required?
Dancers must have a 2.5 or higher GPA (and not be failing more than one class), be able to commit to the dance team schedule, have 2 teacher recommendations and athletic clearance.
Dancers must also have a willingness to learn, good sportsmanship, show up on time to practices and games, conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards teammates and coaches, and be a positive representative of both Lincoln High School and the Lincoln community.
What does it cost to be on the LHS Dance Team?
The fees for new dancers for the 2025-2026 are estimated at $1000. There are three payments due between April – June.
This price includes uniform dress, jacket, tennis shoes, hair piece, poms, team jacket and 4-day USA dance camp at St. Mary's College.
This price does not include dancer supplied items:
Tights (where to purchase will be handed out at first meeting) – approximate cost is $10
Black leggings
Red lipstick for performances
There may be other Dancer supplied uniform items needed for Hip Hop routines.
ASB card – school requirement that athletes purchase ASB card at the beginning of the school year.
What will dancers be judged on?
Jazz Technique: strong jumps, crisp turns, strong arms, personality, style, performance skills, straight legs, confidence, showmanship and facial expressions.
Confidence, strong work ethic, dedication to the good of the team, integrity, well rounded personal characteristics, being on time, working hard, potential for improvement, respectful behavior, positive attitude, appropriate dress, following directions, contributing to the positive representative of LHS, learning quickly and physical ability.
What should I consider before applying for the LHS Dance Team?
The LHS Dance Team requires a serious time commitment. It’s a long season and the cooperative nature of the team makes it imperative that dancers selected are positive, respectful, responsible and hard working. These characteristics are as important as strong dance technique and will be part of the selection process.
What is the performance and practice schedule?
The LHS Dance Team will be performing at all Varsity football games, all Varsity basketball games, and some Varsity Girls basketball game.
The team will also perform at school rallies, Zebra Night in September, Lincoln’s Holiday Parade and the Zebra Showcase. There may be other community performances that come up as well.
When school is in session practice will be held 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 7:00-8:00am.
There will be occasional weekend practices.
There is a mandatory away summer dance camp in July and summer bootcamp in August to prepare for the upcoming football season.
Towards the end of Winter break there will be a two- day basketball bootcamp to prepare for the upcoming basketball season.
Schedules will be given out at the first team meeting after auditions.
Are performances and practices mandatory?
All game day performances and dance team practices are mandatory with few exceptions.
Where do I get the application and teacher recommendation forms?
You can click HERE to download an application and teacher recommendation forms.
Are there academic requirements?
Yes, to be considered for the LHS Dance team you must have a 2.5 or greater GPA.
When is the dance clinic and audition?
The dance clinic and auditions are on April 22nd, April 23rd and April 25th (3:40pm to 6:00pm) (Or longer if needed). All three days are mandatory to be considered for the dance team.
To be eligible to attend the dance clinic and audition for the LHS Dance Team the dancer must have a 2.5 or higher GPA (grades are checked during the dance clinic), an application with 2 teacher recommendations and a head shot must be handed in on the first day of the dance clinic. The dance clinic runs April 22nd and April 23rd (3:40pm to 6:00pm). Tryouts will be held on April 25th (3:40pm to 6:00pm) (or later if needed). You cannot be considered for the team if you do not have a complete application filled out, teacher recommendations turned in and/or if you missed the dance clinic.
What is a dance clinic?
Graduating Seniors and the Dance Team Director will teach center floor and across the floor techniques, plus a dance routine. This clinic will help us assess if your performance skills and dance technique will be a good fit for the LHS Dance Team.
Attendance at the Dance Team Clinic is mandatory if you plan to audition for the team.
Bring your application and a photo with you on the first day of the dance clinic. Teachers need to hand in their recommendations to the email on the recommendation form.
Are there fees?
Yes, the dance team is not funded by the district or school. Dancers get to keep their uniforms and fees also include camp.
We will go over anticipated team costs at the Parent/Dancer Interest Meeting. These fees will cover the following:
4-day USA dance camp at St. Mary's College
Game Day shirts
Performance uniform (dress, tennis shoes, poms and accessories )
Team jacket
Dancers will provide their own red lipstick, and black leggings to wear with uniform. More information about shoe style at the First Team Meeting in April.
In August dancers are required by the school to join ASB.
See above under Does it Cost to be on the LHS Dance Team for estimated amounts.
How do I get athletic clearance?
Go to the Forms link and follow the directions.
Will there be fundraisers?
Yes we have planned 4 fundraisers for the year and dancers are required to participate. These fundraisers cover the cost of outside choreography, end of year party, Sr. Sashes, Bows and Holiday Parade accessories and depending on how much raised money will go towards other uniform pieces and dance workshops to help keep the cost of the dance team down.